Per PARAPENDIO / DELTAPLANO. Progettata per il parapendio e il dentaplano, la FlyCam un prodotto leggero, resistente, facile da montare e da trasportare. Acquistando la nostra FlyCam potete avere accesso ad un esclusivo servizio di stabilizzazione per le vostre riprese in Parapendio!
Less distraction, more focus. Optimized for Skydiving and Tunnel flying Feel confident, dry and comfortable. The air is your playground. Cardura Fabric in knees and seat Superior protection in the knees and seat area, just where you need it.
Less distraction, more focus. Optimized for Skydiving and Tunnel flying Feel confident, dry and comfortable. The air is your playground. Cardura Fabric in knees and seat Superior protection in the knees and seat area, just where you need it.
Less distraction, more focus. Optimized for Skydiving and Tunnel flying The air is your playground. Feel confident, dry and comfortable. Never get worried about zipper breaking now! Our YKK zippers are all about convenience.
Aide à s’orienter et à garder son cap. Par défaut le modèle 1 est envoyé. Fixation soit au cockpit (velcro + dragonne) soit en tour de cuisse (avec un élastique fourni).
Ptv: 95-120KgCertification: EN C (Version Light de chez GIN).
Less distraction, more focus. Optimized for Skydiving and Tunnel flying Feel confident, dry and comfortable. The air is your playground. Cardura Fabric in knees and seat Superior protection in the knees and seat area, just where you need it.
Less distraction, more focus. Optimized for Skydiving and Tunnel flying The air is your playground. Feel confident, dry and comfortable. Digital Sublimation Print. Never get worried about zipper breaking now!