Docteur P. Barbellion. Truites, Mouches, Devons. Mouche sèche - Mouche noyée - Lancer léger et Extra-Léger - Ultra-Léger. ==========================.
Lucky Craft Pointer - high quality spinning lures from Japanese manufacturers. This model is designed with a very low centre of gravity, using special brass wheels. The low centre of balance makes the lure wobble, vibrate and recover sharply, which makes it very attractive to predatory fish.
50x patin à vis en feutre. Protégez votre sol avec le set de patins en feutre. aux vis, vous ne verrez pas les patins en feutre. Les vis incluses. Matériaux : feutre, acier inoxydable, plastique. Les patins sont adaptés pour le bois, carrelage, métal, verre, marbre et autres surfaces et objets lisses.
Gancraft Jointed Claw Shift 113 Floating.
La differenza principale dal Raglou classico sta nel fatto che l'amo (VMC 9255 TI) della jig head esce sulla schiena invece che in pancia. La jig head è dotata di occhio Ragot 3D. Varie misure e colorazioni disponibili.
Rutentasche Futteral für 2 und 3 Ruten 1,05m bis 1,90m. Die robusten und gepolsterten Rückentragegurte und die Handtragegurte machen den Transport zum Kinderspiel. So haben Sie lange Spaß an Ihrer neuen Rutentasche.
It is equipped with treble hooks treated with a special finishing which makes them more resistant to corrosion. It is suitable for use in any situation with various types of predators such as bass, asp, marble trout, sea bass and bluefish.