Joseph, Judah, and Plot explores the concept of narrative continuity in Genesis 37-50. By tracing the plot-structure of the story about Jacob and his sons, author Paul Twiss assesses the cohesiveness and intent of the narrative.
In his law cases he is the advocate, in his political speeches a castigator not of his opponents but of their politics. Autore: Demosthenes. Subtítulos: Orations 60–61: Funeral Speech. Erotic Essay.
Titolo: The Couple's Workbook. Couples are guided to have particular conversations, analyse their feelings, explain parts of themselves to one another and undertake rituals that clear the air and help recover hope and passion.
Autore: Derek L.T. Gill, Robin Lee Graham. Formato: Tascabile. Titolo: "Dove". Anno di pubblicazione: 1991. Soggetto: Sports & Hobbies. Genere: Biography. Condizione: Nuovo. Peso: 219g.
Titre: Siddhartha. Auteur: Hermann Hesse. Format: Poche. Année de publication: 2013. Type: Contemporary Fiction. Edition: Illustrated. Sujet: Classic Fiction. Genre: Fiction.
Port royal - Sainte-beuve - 7 Volumes - état Correct - Édition Hachette. Ensemble en état correct, pages jaunies et couverture cuire abîmée par endroit (traces d’usures et éraflures)
Autore: Paul R Halmos. Titolo: Introduction to Hilbert Space and the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity. Formato: Tascabile. Anno di pubblicazione: 2016. Genere: Science Nature & Math. Publisher: Benediction Classics.
(Con possibile estensione sino ai 25/30gg per Roma città e provincia, LIGURIA, SICILIA e le isole ).