Auteur: Rina Kent. Série: Monster Trilogy Special Edition Print. Titre: Heart of My Monster. Sous titres: Special Edition Print. Format: Poche. Date de publication: 2023-04-06. Genre: Fiction. Publisher: Blackthorn Books, LLC.
Titolo: Cycle of the Werewolf. The next month there was a scream of ecstatic agony from the woman attacked in her cosy bedroom. Autore: Stephen King. Formato: Tascabile. No one knows who will be attacked next.
Titre: Lovecraft's New York Circle. Contributeur: Mara Kirk Hart (Edited by), S T Joshi (Edited by), H P Lovecraft (Contributions by). Format: Poche. Année de publication: 2006. Auteur: No Author. Sujet: Horror.
Auteur: Lawrence Vogel, Hans Jonas. Hans Jonas shows how life-forms present themselves on an ascending scale of perception and freedom of action, a scale reaching its apex in a human being's capacity for thought and morally responsible behaviour.
L'Œil de chat. Roger ZELAZNY.
Autore: Jose Rizal. Formato: Tascabile. Genere: Fiction. Paese di origine: GB. Data di pubblicazione: 07/12/2006. ISBN-10: 0143039695. Informazioni mancanti?. Condizione: Nuovo.
InAfter the Black Death, Susan L. Einbinder uncovers Jewish responses to plague and violence in fourteenth-century Iberia and Provence. Through elegant translations and masterful readings,After the Black Death exposes the great diversity in Jewish experiences of the plague, shaped as they were by convention, geography, epidemiology, and politics.