Auteur: Rina Kent. Série: Monster Trilogy Special Edition Print. Titre: Blood of My Monster. Sous titres: Special Edition Print. Edition: Special Print ed. Format: Poche. Sujet: Romance. Publisher: Blackthorn Books, LLC.
Titolo completo: (Sayers Marsh Rinehart) Tre donne del mistero 2014 Mondadori speciali 74 Nota bene: scegliendo la spedizione con pieghi di libri, più economica ma non tracciabile, sollevate il venditore da ogni responsabilità circa eventuali ritardi. Per una maggiore sicurezza si consiglia di selezionare una spedizione tracciabile.
Titolo: The Smithsonian National Gem Collection—Unearthed: Surprising Stories Behind the Jewels. Not only a resource for learning about rare and beautiful gems, the book also presents the stories of the people who once owned or were associated with these jewels—from ordinary people to kings, emperors, maharajas, celebrities, and captains of industry.
Titre: Lovecraft's New York Circle. Contributeur: Mara Kirk Hart (Edited by), S T Joshi (Edited by), H P Lovecraft (Contributions by). Format: Poche. Année de publication: 2006. Auteur: No Author. Sujet: Horror.
Titolo: Ozempic. Autore: Alec Tate. Formato: Tascabile. Anno di pubblicazione: 2023. Peso: 177g. Larghezza: 7mm. Lunghezza: 152mm. Lingua: inglese.
Praise for M W Craven 'Beware if you pick up a book by M.W. Craven. Your life will no longer belong to you. He will hold you spellbound. Linda's Book Bag. ' Craven's understanding of the criminal world is obvious in this cracking read' Woman's Weekly.
Titre: Leviathan. Auteur: Thomas Hobbes. Information manquante?. Année de publication: 2019. Sujet: Society & Culture, Law & Politics. Poids: 816g. Sujet: Anglais. Genre: Philosophy & Spirituality.
Autore: Monica Bodirsky. Titolo: Between the Worlds. The deck also includes an introduction to the art of casting and its worldwide historical significance, as well as many spreads and occult tables to equip you for reading quickly and effectively.