(Con possibile estensione sino ai 25/30gg per Roma città e provincia, LIGURIA, SICILIA e le isole ).
Serie: Borderlines. Titolo: Identities, Borders, Orders. Together, their essays contribute significantly to our understanding of sovereignty, national identity, and borders. Autore: Mathias Albert. An interdisciplinary exploration of the role of sovereignty, national identity, and borders in international politics.
Titolo: The Empusium. Autore: Olga Tokarczuk. Formato: Tascabile. Anno di pubblicazione: 2024. Soggetto: Historical Fiction. Genere: Fiction. Contribuyente: Antonia Lloyd-Jones (Translated by). Traducción: Antonia Lloyd-Jones.
Titre: Inès Longevial. Inès Longevial is a French painter based in Paris. Originally from the southwest of France but with family in the Basque Country, she’s been close to Spanish culture; Pedro Almodóvar’s colorful world and Pablo Picasso’s lines rank among her main influences.
Auteur: Han Kang. But in South Korea, where vegetarianism is almost unheard-of and societal mores are strictly obeyed, it is a shocking act of subversion. Titre: The Vegetarian. Format: Poche. Sous titres: Winner of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Auteur(s) : George Elizabeth. Collection : Pocket Policier. Editeur : Pocket. Nombre de pages : 919.
Titolo: Gweel. Autore: Simon Whitechapel. Formato: Tascabile. Anno di pubblicazione: 2023. Soggetto: Horror. Genere: Fiction. Peso: 172g. Larghezza: 7mm.
Auteur: Kennon M Sheldon. He also shows that this insight can help us choose better goals—ones that are concordant with our values and that, critically, we’re more likely to actually see through. Année de publication: 2022.